TImeline JS can be used to tell stories in a visual, interactive format. There is a plugin for Timeline JS, but it is only used to add the timeline shortcode to your post or page – it does not build the timeline, like the storymap plugin.
Review the tips and hints on how to make an effective timeline at https://timeline.knightlab.com. Then follow the instructions at https://timeline.knightlab.com/#make to create your timeline using Google Sheets. If you need help, go to https://timeline.knightlab.com/#help.
Once you have your timeline created, install and activate the Knight Lab TimelineJS plugin. Then go to the post or page where you want to add the timeline, and click on the Add Timeline button. Enter in the URL for your timeline, and set the parameters for size, etc. When you click on Insert Timeline, it will insert the shortcode so that the timeline appears on the page.