The Wild Man Legend Won't Die
After the 1898 political scare, there seemed to be no more reported sightings of the beast. But Lou Stone created a legend for the ages. The story sold newspapers in the late nineteenth century and it still generates revenue today as part of cherished lore. In 1929, Frank Wentworth authored a book called The Winsted Wildman and other Tales, and the story has appeared in other volumes as well. Internet searches reveal plenty of websites eager to recount the events of 1895 and even encourage visitors to keep an eye out for the beast.
Some modern accounts, such as "Twisted History: The Winsted Wildman" from the Torrington Register Citizen are not explicit about the fact that the story is a hoax. If there is any room for truth, it seems, the story is even better. In a separate article, The Register Citizen covered a presentation by a local retired teacher Walter Landgraf, who has followed the Wild man and other histories. Landgraf says, "'I believe there are real kernels of truth in these stories,' Landgraf said, who said the tale could have generated from a former artist who lived in the woods as a hermit. 'There is something there that initiated the story.'"