Uploading content to My Media

My Media is your own personal content library that you may access whether you are in Moodle or MediaSpace. Adding content is straightforward. You can upload audio and images as well as video files. Note that when using your browser to upload files, it may be fastest to use Firefox. 

In Moodle (content restricted to Moodle): Within the horizontal navigation menu, select “My Media.” Then, on the right side of the page, the “Add New” menu offers several choices including uploading your own content, a CaptureSpace recording, or embedding  YouTube video.

In MediaSpace (content can be shared outside Trinity): Go to trincoll.mediaspace.kaltura.com and login by clicking on “Guest” in the upper right corner. Click “Add New.”

In either environment, you can select a file from your computer and the file will be saved to your “My Media” library. You can then fill in basic information about the file while it is processing. The larger the file, the longer it will take to process. After it is processed you can edit, order captions if needed, share your content with a Moodle course, or  share your content outside Trinity