Support Over Spring Break for Remote Instruction
As part of a broader effort to intensify social distancing on campus, support over spring break now needs to happen online. Here are the details:
Virtual Drop-In Hours
To join the drop-in sessions, simply visit: (You don’t need a Zoom account to do so; although you can learn more about getting one here:
Monday, March 16: 10am – 5pm
Tuesday, March 17 – Friday, March 20: 9am – 5pm
Monday, March 16
10am – 11am Recording a Lecture (Narrated PowerPoints; Kaltura Capture):
11am – 12pm Moodle 1: Getting Started from Scratch:
2pm – 3pm: Videoconferencing for Remote Instruction (“Zoom Basics”):
3pm – 4pm Zoom Practice (“Beyond the Basics”):
Tuesday, March 17
10am-11am: Moodle 2: Assignments & Discussion Forums:
12pm-1pm: Some Instructional Design Considerations:
3pm-4pm: Moodle 3: Quizzes/Exams (Including Video Quizzes):
4pm-5pm: Recording a Lecture (Narrated PowerPoint, Kaltura Capture):
Wednesday, March 18
10am – 11am: Videoconferencing for Remote Instruction (Zoom Basics):
11am – noon: Zoom practice session (Beyond the basics):
12pm-1pm: Some Instructional Design Considerations:
2pm-3pm: Moodle 4: The Gradebook:
Thursday, March 19
10am-11am: Recording a Lecture (Narrated Powerpoints, Kaltura Capture):
11am-noon: Moodle 1: Getting Started from Scratch:
2pm-3pm: Moodle 2: Assignments & Discussion Forums:
4pm – 5pm: Videoconferencing for Remote Instruction (Zoom basics):
Friday, March 20
10am-11am: Moodle 3: Quizzes/Exams (Including Video Quizzes):
11am – noon: Some Instructional Design Considerations:
2pm-3pm: Moodle 4: The Gradebook:
3pm-4pm: Zoom practice session (Beyond the basics):
As described in my email on Friday the 13th. Also, please remember to bring, if possible, any device you intend to teach with, so that you can make sure you understand how it will handle what you want to assign.
As I said in the email, please teach with whatever technology you are comfortable with. The only thing that really matters is: there’s a clear communication plan that your students know; that it’s clear where you’re going to put things (resources, links, whatever); and that it’s clear where you’re going to look for their work. None of this depends on any platform–email could accomplish all of these goals. None of us knows how the internet-based services will react under this month’s load.
Drop-in hours in LITC 182: M-F 9am-4pm.
New: Zoom drop-in hours: M-F 10-12 and 2-4. Join this meeting room at any time during those hours:
Daily schedule (all workshops are in the Blume lab):
Monday, March 16
10am-11am: Recording a Lecture
11-12am: Moodle 1: Getting started from Scratch
2-3pm: Videoconferencing for Remote Instruction (Zoom basics)
3-4pm: Zoom: Beyond the Basics
Tuesday, March 17
10am-11am: Moodle 2: Assignments & Discussion Forums
12-1pm: Some Instructional Design Considerations
3-4pm: Moodle 3: Quizzes/Exams (including Video Quizzes)
4-5: Recording a Lecture
Wednesday, March 18
10-11: Videoconferencing for Remote Instruction (Zoom Basics)
11-12: Zoom: Beyond the Basics
12-1: Some Instructional Design Considerations
2-3: Moodle 4: The Gradebook
Thursday, March 19
10-11: Recording a Lecture
11-12: Moodle 1: Getting Started from Scratch
2-3: Moodle 2: Assignments and Discussion Forums
4-5: Videoconferencing for Remote Instruction (Zoom basics)
Friday, March 20
10-11: Moodle 3: Quizzes/Exams (including Video Quizzes) (via Zoom)
11-12: Some Instructional Design Considerations (via Zoom)
2-3: Moodle 4: The Gradebook (via Zoom)
3-4: Zoom: Beyond the Basics (Blume Lab)