Gradebook Weighting
The Moodle gradebook offers quite a bit of flexibility in setting up your grading method. There are numerous ways you can aggregate grades such as Simple weighted mean of grades, Weighted mean of grades, and natural. The most common aggregation method is weighted mean of grades. Using this method you can determine how much weight to give each item and/or category. The default is Simple weighted mean of grades which determines the weight of each item based on its maximum allowable points. One of the most common grading methods is Weighted means of grades. Use this method if you would like to setup your gradebook in a way that gives…
WordPress has been upgraded
We have upgraded WordPress (commons.trincoll.edu) to the latest version which is currently 4.2.4. Twenty Fifteen, a new responsive theme from WordPress, is now available. A complete list of the 41 plugins and 9 themes that were upgraded can be found below. The system was also migrated to a new virtual server which will allow us to upgrade more often and with less disruption in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about the upgrade please contact David Tatem at 860-297-2124 or david.tatem@trincoll.edu. Updated Themes: Academica AccessPress Parallax Atahualpa BuddyPress Scholar Headway Twenty Eleven Twenty Fourteen Twenty Ten Twenty Twelve Yoko Updated Plugins: Advanced Custom Field Widget Advanced Sidebar…