Audio Conferencing with Teams and Skype for Business
While we recommend Zoom for most virtual meetings, sometimes a simple conference call is all that is needed and may present a lower technology hurdle for some. All Trinity employees should have received an email with their conference phone number and the audio conference PIN for Teams and Skype for Business. While these audio conferences use Teams or Skype for business you do not need to use these applications and the participants do not have to have any accounts to join. Everyone can participate via phone without the use of a computer. Scheduling a Teams Audio Conference To get started you will need to schedule a Teams meeting. This can…
Introduction to Metashape
AgiSoft Metashape is a photogrammetry application that can be used to create 2d or 3d models from images. For some examples of models created by the Trinity community see our collection on Sketchfab. You can download and install a fully functional 30 day trial for Mac or Windows here: https://www.agisoft.com/downloads/installer/ Getting Started It is important to collect high quality images of the object to be modeled from different angles. When taking pictures keep the following guidelines in mind: To create a model in Metashape you will mainly work through the steps in the Workflow menu. The necessary steps vary a little depending on the desired outcome – 3d model, orthophoto…
Narrated PowerPoint
A good PowerPoint slide deck doesn’t stand on its own. The slides aren’t your presentation, you are giving the presentation, the slides are just visual aids. So how do you share a PowerPoint presentation without losing sight of that? Simple! Just add your own voice by recording the slide show. While not fancy creating a narrated PowerPoint is a powerful way to share your content when you can’t do it in person. You can save the final product as a video file or as a standard PowerPoint so when viewers play the slide show they will hear your audio and the slides will advance based on the timings you have…
Media Literacy 101
Becoming your own fact checker is essential for navigating the daily news, whether from traditional news sites or on social media. Before you share the latest viral image or quote, do us all a favor and take a few minutes to verify its accuracy first.
3D Printing and Design Competition Results
We ended up with a total of 13 projects submitted by 25 students. All students who participated were given $5 in Bantam Bucks. After much deliberation the panel of judges have awarded the following prizes: 1st place, $250: Oscar Dial for his King Chess Piece Pepper Shaker2nd place, $125: Joseph Orosco for his Inspirational Butterfly3rd place $75: Clear Tavarez for her Crystal Sculpture The People’s Choice Award of $50 goes to Katie Greer for her Keychain Thank you to everyone who submitted a project and I would also like to extend a special thanks to the panel of judges: Nicholas Marino Kevin Huang Kirk Boyd Joelle Thomas