Present at Day of Digital Scholarship!
The Day of Digital Scholarship is a yearly event that highlights the work Trinity students, faculty, and staff have made with digital software or tools. This may take the form of digital art, films, research projects, assignments, podcasts, portfolio sites, or other forms of digital scholarship. We encourage sharing completed works as well as works in progress, created either in or outside of the classroom. This year’s event will be held Wednesday, April 19 from 3:00 – 6:00 PM in the LITS Center for Educational Technology on Level 1 of the library. The event is open house-style so guests can come and go as their schedule allows. We can also…
Explore Digital Scholarship on the Incubator!
The Incubator is a collection of digital work from students, staff, and faculty at Trinity College, designed to showcase how our community uses technology in innovative and creative ways. Our goal with The Incubator is to offer examples that can encourage others who might be interested in embarking on their own digital scholarship. Digital scholarship is any scholarly process or product that utilizes digital tools, technologies, research methods, or platforms. It can be individual or collaborative, simple or complex, and may result in physical or digital output. Examples include textual analysis, 3D printing, data visualization, mapping, websites, video, and audio projects. The Incubator offers great examples of digital assignment work,…
Interested in Podcasting? Explore our Guide.
Digital Learning & Scholarship offers instruction and resources to encourage faculty, students, and staff to explore digital scholarship. We’ve noticed an increased interest in podcasting, and have produced this resource site to support anyone interested in creating a podcast as part of an assignment, for research, or for fun. This site offers resources on how to plan, produce, and publish a podcast with tutorials and suggested software and tools included. Explore the guide here. If you’d like to record and edit your audio on campus, check out our newly renovated Story Labs. Our creative technologies collection also offers audio recording and podcasting kits for checkout. You can find information on…
Record and Edit Audio in our Story Labs!
Library & Information Technology Services offers two Story Labs for audio recording and podcast production. Located on level 1 at LITS 122 and LITS 124, each studio is equipped with recording equipment and a computer with a variety of editing software. LITS 122 has a 2-person capacity and LITS 124 has a 1-person capacity. Each lab includes instructions for first-time users, so no previous experience is required to use the space. How to reserve a Story Lab: How to reserve a Story Lab: To protect the equipment, we limit the use of the space to audio recording and editing only. The story labs are not available as study space.…
Audio Recording and Podcasting Kits
Digital Learning & Scholarship is excited to support audio recording and podcasting kits as part of the creative technologies collections. Each kit offers users the equipment needed to record and edit audio outside of LITS. Below you’ll find descriptions of each kit and links to instructions for set up and use. Both kits are available for checkout at the Library & IT Desk on Level A Audio Recording and Podcasting Kit (1-microphone set-up) What You’ll find in the Kit: Loan Time: 1 day Get Started: Please review this guide for help setting up and using this kit. Audio Recording and Podcasting Kit (2-microphone set-up) Contents: Loan Time: 1 day Get Started: Please review…