News & updates

  • WITT Update / ITEC Grants / Upcoming Events

    I’m writing with three bits of news: The Winter Institute on Teaching with Technology, announced for Tuesday, has had to be rescheduled as a consequence of a burst pipe soaking the 1823 Room and the Educational Technology spaces in the library. The new date is May 18. Joanna Swafford (New Paltz) will still present on digital humanities and the undergraduate classroom, and Josh Kim (Dartmouth) will tentatively speak on the role of liberal arts colleges in a time of technological upheaval. ITEC is delighted to announce that it is once again offering grants in support of faculty members’ technology exploration. You can download the form here:  The deadline is Tuesday,…

  • WordPress has been upgraded

    We have upgraded WordPress ( to the latest version which is currently 4.2.4. Twenty Fifteen, a new responsive theme from WordPress, is now available. A complete list of the 41 plugins and 9 themes that were upgraded can be found below. The system was also migrated to a new virtual server which will allow us to upgrade more often and with less disruption in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about the upgrade please contact David Tatem at 860-297-2124 or Updated Themes: Academica AccessPress Parallax Atahualpa BuddyPress Scholar Headway Twenty Eleven Twenty Fourteen Twenty Ten Twenty Twelve Yoko Updated Plugins: Advanced Custom Field Widget Advanced Sidebar…

  • AAEEBL 2014 Conference Recap

    Last week, I presented at the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning conference in Boston. Essentially, this is the ePortfolio conference. I attended several interesting sessions, from a range of conference tracks – from Digital Storytelling, to Learning-Oriented Assessment to Multimodal Assessment. The sessions I attended didn’t dwell the “nuts-and-bolts” of the educational technology they use to make their portfolio programs run, but there was definitely a lot of discussion on how institutions could make better WordPress, like we do at Trinity. What’s especially interesting is that a lot of ePortfolio issues that many institutions grapple with are actually easily served by WordPress. Here’s a brief rundown of two…