Spring Institute for Teaching & Technology Agenda

What Spring May Bring


The exact sequence is still subject to slight revision, as are some titles. The location will the 1823 Room of the Library, and there will be food in the morning and for lunch.


9.00    Coffee / treats

9.30    Important changes for Fall 2016: Windows 10, Office 365, Moodle 3  (Sue Denning, Jason Jones)


10      Writing Workshops in Moodle (Aidali Aponte-Aviles)

10.30  Visualizing Historical Stories and Collections (Cheryl Cape, Rick Ring, Nancy Smith, Amy Harrell)

11.15 Teaching Through Technology: Victorian Studies & Digital Humanities (Joanna Swafford, SUNY-New Paltz)

12.15  [Get lunches before the discussion starts]

12.30 Josh Kim, Dartmouth & Inside Higher Ed, will lead a conversation on liberal arts colleges and technological change


Photo “What Spring May Bring” by Flickr user Henk Sigjers / Creative Commons licensed  BY-NC-2.0