• Concerns Regarding AI

    While it is easy to get pulled into the excitement of new technology, it is also important to understand the larger context of that technology. The benefits of utilizing AI are vast, but so are the concerns. The exact impact of AI is unknown and fluctuates rapidly. We encourage you to consult more recent data when considering specific impacts, but a general overview of some of the concerns is provided below. Ethical AI is trained on the works of others. During development, it is exposed to massive amounts of existing content, but developers are often vague about what material is included in the training data. It’s unclear whether copyrighted content…

  • Fundamentals of AI

    AI Development The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into our lives is something that everyone should be thinking about. AI represents the development of powerful new technology that could be extremely detrimental or beneficial to our society depending on how it is used. It has already infiltrated our homes, phones, and public interactions and its influence on our lives is only projected to increase. This can lead to all sorts of anxiety, but also hope, inspiration, and a sense of duty to help define the boundaries of how AI should and should not be used. The Digital Learning and Scholarship Team is here to help you on your journey. History…