Participating in a Zoom Meeting
When you are in a Zoom meeting there are many different screen layouts and ways to arrange your windows. You need to be sure you can see the various windows that may be necessary for the meeting you are in. For example you may be required to raise your hand in order to be called on. You will need to view the participant window to do this.
We recommend you open the participant window as well as the chat window. Once the participant window is open you will see icons to allow you to raise your hand and give feedback using the icons for Yes, No, go slower and go faster.
While the mobile and desktop versions of Zoom will look a bit different you will find the Participant and Chat icons in the bottom tool bar as seen below.
On mobile, tap the screen if you don’t see the toolbar, then tap the Participants icon. In the participants window you can tap the icons to raise your hand or give other feedback. Click the more button if you want to open the chat window.
Once you see the participant window you will see the icons at the bottom of the window to raise your hand and give other feedback.
For more information on Zoom (including details on logging in to your pro account via Trinity College) see our Zoom overview post.