Digital Scholarship FAQ
This post answers some common questions about digital scholarship and offers information and resources on how to incorporate it into teaching and learning at Trinity College. It also provides example projects in different areas of digital scholarship, including podcasting, mapping, and digital exhibits. Common Questions about Digital Scholarship You can explore more work made by faculty, students, and staff at Trinity College here. To work with digital learning & scholarship to design a digital assignment or research project, fill out this form and our team will be in touch.
Call for presenters! Day of Digital Scholarship 2022
The Day of Digital Scholarship is a yearly event that highlights the work Trinity students, faculty, and staff have made with digital tools. This may take the form of artworks, research projects, or other forms of digital scholarship. We encourage sharing completed works as well as works in progress, created either in or outside of the classroom. This year’s event will be held on April 21 from 10 am – 2 pm in the LITC Center for Educational Technology. Sign up to present More information about Day of Digital Scholarship
Tips for Presenting on Zoom
Prep for your Zoom presentation with the tips below, including screen sharing advice, audio and video considerations, and general presentation guidelines. Before You Share Move your laptop up onto a book so the camera is level with your face. If you’re using headphones, be aware that wired mics can cause background noise as you talk if you move the cable. Depending on your device and operating system, you may have to give Zoom access to screen recording to share your screen. Consider sharing just your PowerPoint application rather than your entire desktop. If you plan to share a video or audio clip, make sure you check the boxes to share…
Trinity Launches Digital Scholarship Exchange
The Connecticut Digital Scholarship Exchange is a year-long collaborative program hosted by Connecticut College and Trinity College. Designed to create opportunities for faculty to learn about digital scholarship, both institutions will host workshops, tours, and other events to introduce interested faculty to different digital scholarship approaches and discuss core competencies in project management and sustainability. Funding and training for the CT Digital Scholarship Exchange have been provided by the Digital Humanities Research Institute at the City University of New York. The Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI) is an intensive, community-oriented, and foundational approach to learning technical skills in service of humanities teaching and learning. See the full workshop program at the CT Digital Scholarship Exchange website. External faculty to both institutions are welcome. Both institutions hope…
Tour of the Library and Information Technology Center (LITC)
Take a video trip through the services and spaces of the Raether LITC!