TOW: Never lose a password again!
We all have a dizzying array of passwords for the Web-based tools we use: Amazon, the bank, your Twitter account, email, your newspaper subscriptions, it’s endless. The passwords we use are the keys to valuable information in our lives, yet too often we fall into bad habits like storing passwords on post-its, or recycling the same password for multiple sites. Fortunately, several companies provide an easy solution to this problem. Password managers keep track of all of your accounts and automatically fill in your credentials when you need to login to a Web site, so that you don’t have to go hunting for that post-it note or rely on your memory!…
TOW: Adding library articles to your Moodle course
Trinity’s Library provides access to a rich collection of online journal articles and other materials you may want to assign to your students. Most of the databases in which these articles are found provide a handy URL that you can easily plug into your Moodle course. This method of providing course readings can eliminate the hassle of uploading pdf files, and it also leads students directly to the journal database where they can browse further. The terms databases commonly use are Stable URL, Permanent URL, or Permalink. The example below is taken from an article record in JSTOR, which uses the first term. Just copy the URL link, and add it to your Moodle course…
Using Spotify to create course listening assignments
For those looking to incorporate a music component into classes, Spotify offers a massive library of licensed streaming music that can be easily organized into playlists and shared with students. And, the mobile portability and familiarity of Spotify means students may be more likely to complete listening assignments! You and your students can access Spotify either through a Web browser, or via software downloaded to your desktop or mobile device. There is little difference between these two modes of listening, except that the downloaded software allows you to reorder songs in a playlist. To get started using the browser version, go to play.spotify.com and set up an account. Spotify offers both a free and a paid subscription…