• Myths and Realities of Online Instruction

    If you’re new to online instruction, it’s important to examine the assumptions that guide your development of an online course. This module will give you a starting point by addressing some common myths and their (perhaps counter-intuitive) realities. 5 Myths About Remote Teaching in the Covid-19 Crisis Myths and Realities of Teaching Online (University of Illinois) A few common myths MYTH: “Online learning means my students have more time to spend on their coursework.” REALITY: Students learning remotely still have other courses demanding their attention, and they’re more likely to be expected to help out around the house. Students who are caring for parents or younger siblings may have less…

  • Online Assessment

    In a well-designed online course, assessment activities are closely tied to the learning activities. The course syllabus should clearly spell out the learning objectives for the course, and in turn, learning objectives should be defined for each learning activity, including how they relate to the course objectives. Learning assessment techniques should be matched to the learning objectives of an activity, so that instructors can accurately monitor student learning.

  • Non-instructional resources for Trinity staff and students

    The Research, Instruction, Technology group provides support for students, staff and faculty for projects, tools and initiatives that are not directly related to instruction. Explore the resources listed below for more information and contact us if you have any questions. Office 365 Office 365 is Microsoft’s integrated cloud, desktop and mobile app business suite, which includes the standard Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Teams collaboration software, synchronized OneDrive file storage, Bookings appointment calendar, and much more. Look through some of our recent tutorials below: Teams – Using video in Microsoft Teams OneDrive – How to access Office 365 OneDrive and why you might want to! Using Microsoft OneDrive for Shared…

  • Introducing Poll Everywhere!

    Libraries and Digital Learning have a site license for the web-based audience participation software, Poll Everywhere.  Poll Everywhere can be used in the classroom or during meetings to collect live, interactive responses from the audience from any type of mobile device or computer. Poll Everywhere works in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides, plus when used as an assessment quiz, results can be integrated with Moodle Gradebook. To get started with Poll Everywhere, contact your Instructional Technologist to have a new account created for you. To set up your first poll, login at https://www.polleverywhere.com/login, and click on the Activities icon (bar chart) located in the left navigation bar. Then click on the blue…

  • TOW: Sharing a work space using Office 365 Groups

    Assigned to a staff or faculty committee that needs to produce collaborative documents? Tired of emailing competing versions of files back and forth? One strategy is to start using the power of Microsoft’s Office 365 Groups. Groups creates a workspace where you can set up meetings for your committee using the Outlook calendar, monitor a shared discussion board, and perhaps most importantly, collaborate on shared documents in a browser. Groups can be public so that anyone can join, or private by invitation only. Invites can also be sent to non-Trinity collaborators at other institutions. The Groups functionality is part of a suite of apps available through Microsoft Office 365. To…