• Using Blippar to Build an Augmented Reality Experience

    Blippar (https://www.blippar.com/) offers a few different methods to create augmented really experiences. For the purposes of this overview we will focus on creating an experience for the Blippar App using their easy to use web based BlippBuilder. You can also use BlippBuilder to create web based experiences. The app is more appropriate to use objects or printed images as markers to access AR content including images, audio and video. The web based version is better if you want to see a 3d object in your current surroundings. You can view a few examples by downloading the Blippar app, then clicking and scanning the full size images linked below. Note in…

  • Immersive Experiences

    An immersive experience can include a wide range of technologies including 360 images and video, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). There is considerable overlap in these definitions so we often use the terms Mixed Reality (MR) or eXtended Reality (XR) to cover the entire range of possibilities. This guide is intended to present a few examples of these technologies to give you an idea of what each one is and what it looks like. See Penn State’s IMEX Lab for many more examples and resources. 360° Images and Video 360° images and video are captured by special cameras with 2 or more lenses to capture the entire surroundings…

  • Atlas.ti

    Trinity College has a license for Atlas.ti for qualitative data analysis. It is installed on all public computers and is also available on our Windows Virtual Desktop. The current version requires all users to create a free Atlas.ti account in order to use the software. Use your Trinity College email address to create an account linked to our license. You can also download the installer from this site. Any accounts created with a non Trinity email address will be removed. Contact david.tatem@trincoll.edu if you have any questions.

  • Drones on Campus

    Flying a drone on campus for recreation or academic purposes is possible as long as the basic safety rules are followed. If you wish to fly for any reason other than recreation or academics you must first obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA (often referred to as a Part 107 certification). Any student who wishes to fly a drone on campus MUST meet with David Tatem (make an appointment, or email at david.tatem@trincoll.edu) to go over the rules and expectations. Campus Safety will be notified whenever a student has been approved to fly on campus. Before you fly Register your drone with the FAA if it weighs more…

  • WordPress upgrades

    On Wednesday August 18th all WordPress sites, plugins and themes on commons.trincoll.edu will be updated to the latest versions. There may be short periods where sites are unavailable but the disruption should be minimal. If you notice any problems with your sites after the update please contact david.tatem@trincoll.edu.