Home Page News

  • Call for presenters! Day of Digital Scholarship 2022

    The Day of Digital Scholarship is a yearly event that highlights the work Trinity students, faculty, and staff have made with digital tools. This may take the form of artworks, research projects, or other forms of digital scholarship.  We encourage sharing completed works as well as works in progress, created either in or outside of the classroom.  This year’s event will be held on April 21 from 10 am – 2 pm in the LITC Center for Educational Technology. Sign up to present More information about Day of Digital Scholarship

  • How to move recordings from Kaltura to OneDrive

    Retrieve Kaltura recordings Log in to “My Media” at https://trincoll.mediaspace.kaltura.com/ by clicking Guest in the upper right. Once logged in, click your name and choose My Media from the menu.  You will see a list of all the videos connected to your Kaltura account. Videos that came from Zoom will have a Zoom recording ID listed right under the title.  Under each video you will see whether you are the owner (or co-publisher, editor, etc.), the date it was created, and the number of plays.  If you expected to see certain videos and are not seeing them, it may be because your content is listed under a generic account and hasn’t…

  • Immersive Experiences

    An immersive experience can include a wide range of technologies including 360 images and video, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). There is considerable overlap in these definitions so we often use the terms Mixed Reality (MR) or eXtended Reality (XR) to cover the entire range of possibilities. This guide is intended to present a few examples of these technologies to give you an idea of what each one is and what it looks like. See Penn State’s IMEX Lab for many more examples and resources. 360° Images and Video 360° images and video are captured by special cameras with 2 or more lenses to capture the entire surroundings…

  • Trinity Launches Digital Scholarship Exchange

    The Connecticut Digital Scholarship Exchange is a year-long collaborative program hosted by Connecticut College and Trinity College. Designed to create opportunities for faculty to learn about digital scholarship, both institutions will host workshops, tours, and other events to introduce interested faculty to different digital scholarship approaches and discuss core competencies in project management and sustainability. Funding and training for the CT Digital Scholarship Exchange have been provided by the Digital Humanities Research Institute at the City University of New York. The Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI) is an intensive, community-oriented, and foundational approach to learning technical skills in service of humanities teaching and learning.  See the full workshop program at the CT Digital Scholarship Exchange website. External faculty to both institutions are welcome. Both institutions hope…

  • Atlas.ti

    Trinity College has a license for Atlas.ti for qualitative data analysis. It is installed on all public computers and is also available on our Windows Virtual Desktop. The current version requires all users to create a free Atlas.ti account in order to use the software. Use your Trinity College email address to create an account linked to our license. You can also download the installer from this site. Any accounts created with a non Trinity email address will be removed. Contact david.tatem@trincoll.edu if you have any questions.