What can students or my TA see and do in Moodle?
You can easily switch views to see what students, TAs and other types of participants see in your Moodle course. Once any course is visible to students, you can check visibility permissions under the “Administration” box. You can check what your students and TAs can see with their role when you use the “Check permissions” option, under “Users” and “Permissions”. Then, you can simply select a specific user and choose the “Show this user’s permissions” option to view their roles and permissions.
TOW: Two important default settings for Moodle Gradebook
As we approach the start of the semester, now is the time to set up your gradebook in Moodle. The Moodle Gradebook has many different options for setting up a gradebook, including the use of weighted categories or total points. You can use a Moodle assignment to collect and grade assignments within Moodle, or you can just create a gradebook item and enter in the grades by hand. It allows students to track their progress throughout the semester, and faculty can give personalized feedback to each student on assignments and scores. We want to highlight here two default settings for the Gradebook that are set when the courses are created.…
TOW: Adding library articles to your Moodle course
Trinity’s Library provides access to a rich collection of online journal articles and other materials you may want to assign to your students. Most of the databases in which these articles are found provide a handy URL that you can easily plug into your Moodle course. This method of providing course readings can eliminate the hassle of uploading pdf files, and it also leads students directly to the journal database where they can browse further. The terms databases commonly use are Stable URL, Permanent URL, or Permalink. The example below is taken from an article record in JSTOR, which uses the first term. Just copy the URL link, and add it to your Moodle course…
Copying a Moodle course from a previous semester
If you’re at all like me, you’ve looked at the calendar, and realized that it’s August 8th! That’s right – fall classes start in just a few weeks. Fortunately, there is one task that is easy to get out of the way, and thanks to this summer’s Moodle upgrade, you can copy your Moodle course from a previous semester to this fall’s course instance with just a few clicks. Keep in mind, this process will take a few minutes, depending on the amount of content you have in the course you are copying. It will probably take less time if you do this while on campus (since you will be on…
Gradebook Weighting
The Moodle gradebook offers quite a bit of flexibility in setting up your grading method. There are numerous ways you can aggregate grades such as Simple weighted mean of grades, Weighted mean of grades, and natural. The most common aggregation method is weighted mean of grades. Using this method you can determine how much weight to give each item and/or category. The default is Simple weighted mean of grades which determines the weight of each item based on its maximum allowable points. One of the most common grading methods is Weighted means of grades. Use this method if you would like to setup your gradebook in a way that gives…