
  • Assignment Submission

    The Moodle Assignments tool is a great way to have students submit their work to you. It will free up space in your email inbox, store all student submissions in a consistent location, and allow you to give students feedback online. It can also help mitigate issues where large files get “stuck” in student’s email outboxes and arrive in your inbox late (Moodle records detailed submission time information, and usually uploads files faster than they can be emailed). You can give the students ‘template’ files, and also accept short text submissions (rather than full files) or audio/video recordings. There’s also a variety of feedback types you can provide, including annotated…

  • Viewing the Gradebook

    There are numerous views and screens available of the Moodle gradebook, but only a few are commonly used. When you first access the Gradebook by clicking on “Grades” under the Navigation box, the Grader Report view is shown as the default.  This view shows all the grades for all the students in the course, with scrollbars along the right side and bottom for classes with a large number of students and/or assignments.  To sort the students by a grade column, click on the arrow symbol next to the column name.  This will allow you to toggle between ascending and descending views of the grade column. To modify grades within this…

  • Grade columns not showing in Gradebook

    When working with categories in the Moodle Gradebook, you may find that not all the grade item columns and category totals are showing in the grader report.  This is due to the different views for the columns, and can be easily fixed. The top row of the grader report shows the course name, and the row underneath shows the different assignments, such as quizzes or tutorials.  Note that if a grade column has not be assigned to a category, it will only show within the general course ‘uncategorized’ category. Next to the course name and each category is a small box. Clicking within this box changes the view between three…

  • Editing a course

    To add or alter the contents of a course, including adding activities or resources, a teacher must turn editing on.  To do this, use the “Turn editing on” button located either at the top right of any course page when you’re logged in, or within the Administration block on the left, directly beneath Course Administration (as shown in the image on the left).  This same button is also used to turn editing off when you are finished editing the course. After editing is turned on, additional buttons will be noted in the course sections as shown in the screenshot below.  The double-arrow icon in the upper left can be used…