News & updates

  • Greatest Hits in Educational Technology: Episode 1 – Teaching Neuroscience with a $60 Web Cam

      This video documents how Dr. Chris Swart, a faculty member in Neuroscience, used $60 webcams to teach an advanced exercise in his neuroethology lab, NESC-362, Fall Semester 2017. Not only does the video highlight how low-cost technology can be used effectively in an advanced science lab, but it also showcases the video production skills of the Student Technology Assistants in the Center for Educational Technology. The students did all the work to create this video, which started from filming the lab session and finished with audio and video editing in Adobe Premier. Interested in learning more about the STA program or how to create your own videos? Contact your…

  • Join Our Transcribe-a-Thon for Douglass Day on 2/14

    On 14 February 2018, please join us in the Trinity College Library’s new Digital Scholarship Studio (LITC 182) for a transcribe-a-thon in honor of Frederick Douglass’s 200th birthday. Following the lead of the Colored Conventions project, we’ll be transcribing records of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The Transcribe-a-thon is from 12-3pm, and is open to the public. Cake and coffee will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Christina Boyles or Jason B. Jones.

  • Summer changes for the Educational Technology site

    Over the next few weeks, we will be making some edits to this site’s content structure and design. Changes will be rolled out gradually, so that by early July we should have a newly refreshed site.  We hope that the new structure will make things even easier to find, but if the information you seek remains elusive, please feel free to contact your Instructional Technologist! 

  • Looking back at #Domains17

    #Domains17 This week, most of the educational technology group went to Oklahoma City for the Domains 2017 conference, jointly hosted by Reclaim Hosting and the University of Oklahoma. We went because we are quite close to setting up a pilot instance of Trinity Domains, a Domain of One’s Own project (see also: A Domain of One’s Own in a Post-Ownership Society) that will give faculty, students, and staff the digital infrastructure to stake out their digital identity and develop new, exciting forms of scholarship. Since setup is imminent, the conference seemed like a good way to see what other schools were doing, and to make connections for when we inevitably…

  • Visit the new Center for Educational Technology!

    The CET is complete! Located on the south end of Raether LITC Level 1, the Center for Educational Technology is a newly remodeled space for collaborative and individual study using the latest in technology and applications. The space is open 24/7; and staffed by Student Technology Assistants during both day and evening hours. (Hours available on the right.) The CET is outfitted with large screens of various sizes that you can connect any device to; Mac minis with dual monitors, and some with Adobe’s Creative Cloud software suite; USB charging plugs in every outlet; 3D printers; virtual reality headsets; and of course – plenty of modern soft seating. Visit us…