
  • Zoom Breakout Rooms

    By default, a Zoom session takes place entirely in the main room. If you want to split students into discussion groups, you can do so by creating breakout rooms. (NOTE: If you are recording your session to the cloud, Zoom will record the main room only.) You can create the rooms ahead of time and pre assign students or you can create them on the fly after you have started a Zoom session. You must be the host of the meeting; co-hosts cannot create breakout rooms but they can jump between them. To start using them select the icon that looks like four squares (you may need to click the…

  • Zoom

    Zoom is a video conferencing tool with a local, desktop client; a web client; and a mobile app. It is the preferred tool for synchronous instruction. Materials from January 20, 2022 workshop Powerpoint slides, including links to resources Videorecording of workshop Teaching with Zoom Integrating Zoom into your Moodle course site Making Zoom work (for instructors) – Polling, Breakout rooms and more Use breakout rooms for small-group discussions Using Zoom for Office Hours Tips for presenting on Zoom Sharing and Viewing Zoom Recordings Track Attendance with Zoom A slide deck on Zoom from a TA point-of-view. Zoom security: Securing your meeting and preventing Zoombombing Choosing whether to require authentication for…

  • Introduction to Metashape

    AgiSoft Metashape is a photogrammetry application that can be used to create 2d or 3d models from images. For some examples of models created by the Trinity community see our collection on Sketchfab. You can download and install a fully functional 30 day trial for Mac or Windows here: Getting Started It is important to collect high quality images of the object to be modeled from different angles. When taking pictures keep the following guidelines in mind: To create a model in Metashape you will mainly work through the steps in the Workflow menu. The necessary steps vary a little depending on the desired outcome – 3d model, orthophoto…

  • Non-instructional resources for Trinity staff and students

    The Research, Instruction, Technology group provides support for students, staff and faculty for projects, tools and initiatives that are not directly related to instruction. Explore the resources listed below for more information and contact us if you have any questions. Office 365 Office 365 is Microsoft’s integrated cloud, desktop and mobile app business suite, which includes the standard Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Teams collaboration software, synchronized OneDrive file storage, Bookings appointment calendar, and much more. Look through some of our recent tutorials below: Teams – Using video in Microsoft Teams OneDrive – How to access Office 365 OneDrive and why you might want to! Using Microsoft OneDrive for Shared…

  • Digital Mindfulness Resources

    What does it mean to have a healthy relationship with your phone? How can you use technology to reduce your stress, not add to it? Find out in our digital handout on digital mindfulness.