How to make your Kaltura video downloadable

Kaltura is designed as a streaming media platform, rather than a file sharing, or drop box system. However, there may be situations in which you want to make your video or audio recordings downloadable. This is possible in Kaltura, but requires a couple of extra steps. Note that you can only permit downloading of your own videos that you create – not videos digitized by the library.

The steps below assume you have first published a recording: either you have shared a video with a course on Moodle, or you have published a video on Mediaspace.

  1. Login to My Media, in either Moodle or Mediaspace, and open the recording you want to make downloadable.
  2. Under the player window, click the Actions menu, then Edit.
  3. Go to the Downloads tab, and select the radio buttons for the versions you want to make available for download.
  4. Click Save, and then Go To Media
  5. You should now see a Download tab that will be visible to other users.

Important for students on Moodle:

To see the Download tab, students need to go to the video in the course Media Gallery. This link is on the left side of the page in the navigation menu. When they click on the video in the Media Gallery they should see the Download tab below the player.