Some Resources on Course Packs & Copyright
On June 27 at noon, Information Services had an initial conversation about course packs. Here are some resources that were mentioned during that conversation: Stanford’s Copyright & Fair Use site, in particular the page on academic coursepacks SensusAccess (file converter for accessibility): http://commons.trincoll.edu/trinedtech/sensusaccess/ Hypothes.is (web annotation tool): https://web.hypothes.is (You can see hypothes.is in action in our summer reading group) Photo of some course packs lying around Jason’s office by . . . well, by Jason.
ToW: Make Everything More Accessible with SensusAccess
Keeping up with reading is a critical part of college success, and so making sure course materials are available in a variety of accessible formats is important. For example, some faculty and students with low vision use screen readers to navigate the web and read documents. Others need documents in Braille. Anyone can require accommodations at different points–for example, students with concussion often can’t look at a screen, but need to be able to keep up with coursework. To respond to this need, Trinity has subscribed to a software service called SensusAccess, which converts files from less accessible formats into more accessible ones. To take only the handiest example: SensusAccess…