• Sharing and Viewing Zoom Recordings

    In this post you can explore instructions and hints on how to either view or share Zoom recordings, either if a Zoom recording belongs to you, or if a Zoom recording was shared with you (and it belongs to someone else). Generally the first scenario is more relevant for faculty and the second one for students, although there can be a lot of the overlap. You can also check out Zoom directions on Managing and Sharing Cloud Recordings using this link. Note that sharing a Zoom recording is not preferable to uploading the video to Kaltura and sharing it from the Kaltura video streaming platform. Zoom recordings should now automatically…

  • Live Transcripts in Zoom Meetings

    Today, Zoom released a new accessibility feature for all Education users: The ability to have live transcriptions / subtitles during a meeting. We have enabled this a default, so anyone with a Trinity College-provided Zoom account can have subtitles in any meeting. There are a few actions you need to take: Update your version of the app (should be on 5.5 or later) Every time you start a meeting where subtitles/transcripts might be useful, you’ll need to start them. To do so, click on the Live Transcripts button: Then click “Enable Auto-Transcription”: That’s it! Everyone in your meeting (who has a current Zoom client) should have access to the subtitles/transcripts.…

  • Track Attendance with Zoom

    To check attendance after a Zoom meeting, first login to your web profile (trincoll.zoom.us). Next, choose Reports in the left hand menu, and select the Usage option. Now, you can find your meeting (adjust the date range at the top if needed). There should be a blue number listed in the Participants column for that meeting. If you click on the number, it will open a Meeting Participants list of everyone who attended. By default, this list is a complete log of Zoom accounts that joined, left, and rejoined the meeting. Therefore, students may appear on the list multiple times if they left and rejoined the meeting. You can check…

  • A guide to Zoom for TAs

    Some faculty members may have TAs who are helping with Zoom, either in remote or hybrid classes. Cait Kennedy has made a presentation that may help the TAs feel more comfortable in this role, or at least grasp more fully what the possibilities are. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

  • Designing an Accessible Online Course

    This module discusses the importance of accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and provides tips and resources for making your course accessible to all students. Why is accessibility important? Good course design builds in accessibility from the beginning. Course materials and tools are accessible if they can be used as effectively by people with disabilities as by those without (Jim Thacher). Accessibility falls under the rubric of Universal Design for Learning. UDL aims to change the design of the environment rather than to change the learner. “Universal design for learning (UDL) is curriculum that emphasizes the need for flexibility and encourages faculty to consider a framework for designing courses that provide…