• Greatest Hits in Educational Technology: Episode 1 – Teaching Neuroscience with a $60 Web Cam

      This video documents how Dr. Chris Swart, a faculty member in Neuroscience, used $60 webcams to teach an advanced exercise in his neuroethology lab, NESC-362, Fall Semester 2017. Not only does the video highlight how low-cost technology can be used effectively in an advanced science lab, but it also showcases the video production skills of the Student Technology Assistants in the Center for Educational Technology. The students did all the work to create this video, which started from filming the lab session and finished with audio and video editing in Adobe Premier. Interested in learning more about the STA program or how to create your own videos? Contact your…

  • TOW: Adjusting a grade item in Moodle

    Are you using Moodle to calculate grades for your class? Do you want to adjust (or curve) a quiz or assignment score after everything has been graded? This is easy to do in Moodle, but you need to know the settings. First, for grade items added manually, navigate to the settings for the grade item by first going to Gradebook Setup under Course Administration. Under the column labelled ‘Actions,’ select ‘Edit Settings’ in the row of the grade item that you want to change. For Moodle activities, such as assignments, navigate from within the course to the Edit settings page under ‘Assignment Administration.’ Let’s say that you want to adjust the…

  • TOW: Our STAs are here to help your students!

    Thinking of a digital storytelling project? Want to have your students create a short video for the class? Interested in a class blog? The Student Technology Assistants are here to help faculty and students with your class projects.  Just a few of the things we can help with: WordPress Multimedia projects using iMovie and Audacity Photoshop and storyboarding PowerPoint presentations and posters 3D printing In addition, they can help with other instructional software, such as Moodle, PowerPoint, and charts and graphs in Excel. The STAs are available MTWTH, 8 am – 8 pm, Friday, 8 am – 6 pm, and Sunday, noon – 8 pm, in the new Center for…

  • Winterize Your Course!

    Since we are in the season of flu outbreaks and 18 inch snowfalls, it seems to be a good time to review how to “Winterize Your Course.” If you are not able to make it to campus, but would prefer not to cancel class – there are many options for presenting a lecture or interacting with your students remotely. If you want to conduct a synchronous session during your scheduled class time, we recommend a variety of options including Skype, WebEx, Google Hangouts, Moodle Chat or a simple conference call. If you want to post materials for students to review in a self-paced format, there are a number of tools that…

  • Create an Assignment

    First, make sure editing has been turned on in the course, as described in the “Editing a Course” post.  Go to the course section (week or topic) where you want to create an assignment.  From the “+Add an activity or resource” link, choose Assignment under Activities.  Then click the “Add” button at the bottom of the pop-up window.  You will then be working within the Adding a new Assignment window.   In the ‘General’ section, enter the Assignment name and description (these fields are required).  Under the ‘Grade’ section, assign the number of points (or no grade) for the assignment, along with the grading method (direct grading, marking guide or rubric). …