News & updates

  • Atlas.ti

    Trinity College has a license for Atlas.ti for qualitative data analysis. It is installed on all public computers and is also available on our Windows Virtual Desktop. The current version requires all users to create a free Atlas.ti account in order to use the software. Use your Trinity College email address to create an account linked to our license. You can also download the installer from this site. Any accounts created with a non Trinity email address will be removed. Contact if you have any questions.

  • RIT Design Studio Workshops

    All faculty are welcome to attend a series of training workshops in July 2020 by Research, Instruction, Technology staff that are being offered in conjunction with the CTL Design Studio series with Flower Darby. Each workshop is designed to last roughly 30-40 minutes, with time for questions at the end. All of the workshops are being recorded so feel free to explore workshops you are not able to attend. July 6 – 10 – Foundations of Online Teaching Moodle Basics 1 – Tuesday, July 7, 2 pm: For faculty that have never used Moodle, this workshop will show you how to access your site, design the course structure, upload resources for students, and…

  • A Student’s Guide to Remote Learning

    Library & Information Technology Services is here to assist you during the remote learning period. This guide lists resources and documentation to help you use the technologies required to participate in online learning. General help The Library & IT Desk is in touch by phone, email, and help tickets. Student Technology Assistants are also available for remote help weekdays from 9:00 – 5:00 EST, and can be contacted at  Library & Research Help Library research services and many online collections are available remotely. Please see the LITS home page for the most up to date information. You can still make an appointment with a librarian and meet via Zoom. Zoom help Visit our main…

  • Readying for a pandemic

    Friday, March 6 Research, Instruction, Technology has drafted (just a draft! it will change!) a guide to some technologies that faculty might use to transform their classes for online delivery . NB: These are mostly technological suggestions, offered to aid faculty members and departments as they contemplate such changes in the current crisis Here are some handy resources around pedagogy under the circumstances: “Teaching Online with Care”; “Teaching in the Context of COVID-19”; Smith College’s guide to COVID19 digital support The Federal Student Aid office encourages faculty to remember this shift does not have to be dramatic: “To meet the Department’s requirements for providing distance education, an institution must communicate…

  • WITT: Winter Institute for Teaching and Technology

    On Monday January 13th, 9:00am – 2:00pm, we held our semi-annual symposium on teaching, technology, and scholarship in the Library’s Engelhard Reading Room, Agenda 9:00 Welcome, Jason Jones 9:05 – 9:20 RIT projects review, Angie Wolf  9:20 – 9:40 Finding and using usage data in Moodle,  Amy Harrell & Cheryl Cape  9:40 – 10:20  Faculty highlights Building Learning Resources for Calculus 1, Ryan Pellico Lab Safety with Kaltura, Ed Fitzgerald Whobannedit project, Tom Lefebvre  10:20– 10:30 Break  10:30 – 10:45 Creating Exhibits in Scalar, Amy Harrell, Mary Mahoney, Joelle Thomas, Katie Bauer  10:45 – 11:35 An Aptitude for Maptitude: Math, Redistricting, and Technology, Kyle Evans 11:35 – 11:45 Announcements, Jason Jones 11:45 – 1:00 Lunch & Keynote: Misinformation and Critical Reasoning: New Challenges and New Approaches, Mike Caulfield, head of the Digital Polarization Initiative of the American Democracy Project at Washington…