Specialized software

  • Narrated PowerPoint

    A good PowerPoint slide deck doesn’t stand on its own. The slides aren’t your presentation, you are giving the presentation, the slides are just visual aids. So how do you share a PowerPoint presentation without losing sight of that? Simple! Just add your own voice by recording the slide show. While not fancy creating a narrated PowerPoint is a powerful way to share your content when you can’t do it in person. You can save the final product as a video file or as a standard PowerPoint so when viewers play the slide show they will hear your audio and the slides will advance based on the timings you have…

  • Using Video in Microsoft Teams

    Teams video is a viable option for online classes, meetings, webinars, and interviews with a little advanced configuration. First you will need to create a Team, unless you intend to use an existing Team. Then, you can schedule the meeting. Part I: Create a Team and Schedule a Meeting Start with a Team – you must either use an existing Team, or create a new one.To create a new Team: within the O365 Teams app, choose “Join or Create team,” then “Create Team.” Generally, the “Staff” team type is fine. Name your Team and designate privacy settings – if possible, choose Public so that others at Trinity can find you.…

  • Logging in to Skype for Business on mobile/mac

    For getting started with Skype for Business, including how to install it on Windows, read Getting Started with Skype for Business at Trinity. If you want to schedule a Skype for Business meeting from within Outlook you will also have to make a change to your account settings in Outlook. Be sure to read to the end to see the details. In order to login to Skype for Business on many mobile and MacOS apps, you will need both your full first.lastname@trincoll.edu address and password, AND, under “Advanced options,” your shorter username@trincoll.edu filled in for “Signing in as.” When you open the app for the first time, your sign in…

  • Introducing Poll Everywhere!

    Libraries and Digital Learning have a site license for the web-based audience participation software, Poll Everywhere.  Poll Everywhere can be used in the classroom or during meetings to collect live, interactive responses from the audience from any type of mobile device or computer. Poll Everywhere works in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides, plus when used as an assessment quiz, results can be integrated with Moodle Gradebook. To get started with Poll Everywhere, contact your Instructional Technologist to have a new account created for you. To set up your first poll, login at https://www.polleverywhere.com/login, and click on the Activities icon (bar chart) located in the left navigation bar. Then click on the blue…

  • Podcasting with Audacity

    When we use the term podcasting we are often just referring to an audio project rather than a proper podcast which would imply a series of syndicated audio recordings. In either case the process of planning and creating the audio files is the same. We just won’t go into the process of syndication in this post. Getting Started Planning ahead is critical. Focus on the content and the story you are going to tell. Give yourself enough time to re-record segments if the audio quality isn’t as good as it should be. Continually solicit feedback and revise if necessary. Editing will take MUCH longer than you think and technology problems…