Creating Media

Using media in a class is an effective complement to other forms of presentation. Audio podcasts, infographics, and digital timelines are all examples. These can create memorable teaching resources, to which students can return for reference. Media can be much more engaging and add some fun to a traditional class. Students with different learning styles benefit from various points of entry into class concepts. 

These same tools can inspire interactive assignments.  Students can exercise their creativity by thinking critically with various forms of media to reimagine and process key concepts. 

Narrated Powerpoint

PowerPoint includes features that will allow you to build a lecture based on a slide deck, along with an audio recording. Viewers can then view your slides, with your narration and timed slide advances.

Links to More Information   Narrated PowerPoint Help
Faculty UsesClass Lecture / Presentations
Student UsesPresentations
For more help, contactYour Instructional Technologies or Angie Wolf

PowerPoint includes features that will allow you to build a lecture based on a slide deck, along with an audio recording. Viewers can then view your slides, with your narration and timed slide advances.

Recording Audio

Links to More Information   Recording with Audacity
Recording from Your Smart Phone
Stories with Sound
Faculty UsesAudio Only Lectures / Presentations
Student UsesPresentations / Storytelling
For more help, contactYour Instructional Technologist
Mary Mahoney
Angie Wolf

Voice recordings can be used in several ways, including simply providing an audio-only lecture or storytelling session for your students. Students can make use of audio-recording to complete assignments for presentations, podcasts or storytelling.


Links to More Information   Content Tips
Technical Tips
Kaltura Capture
Kaltura: Ordering captions
Faculty UsesLectures / Presentations
Student UsesPresentations / Visual Storytelling
For more help, contactYour Instructional Technologist, or
Angie Wolf

Recording yourself on video is a useful way to provide asynchronous lectures to students, especially if you plan to incorporate visual information like writing on a board or sharing models or other props. We suggest using Kaltura Capture to record and upload faculty lecture videos, as it is very easy to incorporate this media Into your Moodle course and generate a transcript.


Links to More Information   Infographics in PowerPoint
Designing in Canva
Faculty UsesVisualizations
Student UsesVisualizations
For more help, contactYour Instructional Technologist, or
Rob Walsh

An infographic presents information or concepts in a simple visual format, leading to quick and clear understanding. They generally have only enough text to identify key-concepts, an rely on common icons, placement and color to convey information. Uses include illustrating a complex process, displaying data, and comparing options.

Data Visualization

Links to More Information   Start with Tableau
Faculty UsesData Visualizations and Analysis 
Student UsesData Visualizations and Analysis 
For more help, contactYour Instructional Technologist, or
Rob Walsh

Data Visualizations are used to provide a graphic representation of data, and can help students identify and understand relationships and connections. They are particularly useful for identifying trends and patterns in data.

Story Map

Links to More Information   Make a StoryMap
KnightLab StoryMap JS
Faculty UsesLectures / Presentations
Student UsesPresentations / Visual Storytelling
For more help, contactYour Instructional Technologist, or
Mary Mahoney

StoryMap JS is a free tool from Knight Labs for geographically mapping data. A variety of media files can be added to the map, letting users build out location-based stories.

Visual Time Line

Links to More Information   Make a Timeline
Knight Lab Timeline JS
Faculty UsesLectures / Presentations
Student UsesPresentations / Storytelling
For more help, contactYour Instructional Technologist, or
Mary Mahoney

Building a visually compelling interactive timeline is easy with Knight Lab Timeline JS. This tool provides a simple interface for incorporating a variety of media. New users can begin with a simple spreadsheet, and add from there.