Tip of the Week

  • TOW: Our STAs are here to help your students!

    Thinking of a digital storytelling project? Want to have your students create a short video for the class? Interested in a class blog? The Student Technology Assistants are here to help faculty and students with your class projects.  Just a few of the things we can help with: WordPress Multimedia projects using iMovie and Audacity Photoshop and storyboarding PowerPoint presentations and posters 3D printing In addition, they can help with other instructional software, such as Moodle, PowerPoint, and charts and graphs in Excel. The STAs are available MTWTH, 8 am – 8 pm, Friday, 8 am – 6 pm, and Sunday, noon – 8 pm, in the new Center for…

  • ToW: Make Everything More Accessible with SensusAccess

    Keeping up with reading is a critical part of college success, and so making sure course materials are available in a variety of accessible formats is important. For example, some faculty and students with low vision use screen readers to navigate the web and read documents. Others need documents in Braille. Anyone can require accommodations at different points–for example, students with concussion often can’t look at a screen, but need to be able to keep up with coursework. To respond to this need, Trinity has subscribed to a software service called SensusAccess, which converts files from less accessible formats into more accessible ones. To take only the handiest example: SensusAccess…

  • TOW: Get organized with Evernote

    Evernote is a free productivity tool that allows you to gather all of those scraps of paper, to-do lists, Web clippings, notes, etc. and put them in one, searchable online notebook. Notes can be organized by tags, and are stored on the Web, so they will sync between all your devices. You can easily share your notes with others: students, faculty, colleagues at other institutions, and invite them to collaborate on documents if you wish. Potential uses: Collect research notes as you discover articles or Web sites. Evernote will let you take a snapshot of the Web site, file it in a particular notebook, and make a comment for your…

  • Using Qualtrics for Survey Research

    There are many ways to field a survey online including free services such as Google Forms and Survey Monkey. But what if your survey requires some complex logic or you need to track participants and automate the process of sending reminders and follow up emails? Trinity College has a subscription with Qualtrics, a powerful and flexible survey tool used by many top researchers. While it does take some getting used to it is easy to use and is powerful and flexible enough for any survey research you can throw at it. To get started simply go to https://trinity.qualtrics.com and create an account by clinking the link for “Trinity Single Sign…

  • Winterize Your Course!

    Since we are in the season of flu outbreaks and 18 inch snowfalls, it seems to be a good time to review how to “Winterize Your Course.” If you are not able to make it to campus, but would prefer not to cancel class – there are many options for presenting a lecture or interacting with your students remotely. If you want to conduct a synchronous session during your scheduled class time, we recommend a variety of options including Skype, WebEx, Google Hangouts, Moodle Chat or a simple conference call. If you want to post materials for students to review in a self-paced format, there are a number of tools that…